Northern Counties Area Narcotics Anonymous Subcommittees

24-Hour Helpline
(800) 863-2962

24-Hour Helpline
(800) 863-2962

Northern Counties Narcotics Anonymous Service Subcommitees

The Northern Counties area of Narcotics Anonymous has serveral subcommittees that each focus on a specific on carrying the message to addicts.

Click on the tabs above for more information about each subcommittee and how to contact them.

Hospitals and Institutions

Hospitals and Institutions (H & I) carries the Narcotics Anonymous message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular N.A. meetings. H & I meetings or presentations, except for those in long term facilities, are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program.

Contact Us!

24-Hour Helpline:

Línea Telefónica en vivo:
(888) 622-4672

via Mail:

Northern Counties Area
Narcotics Anonymous
1935 S. Myrtle Ave.
Monrovia, Ca 91016
Our Area Service Committee meets at 2pm the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1935 S. Myrtle Ave. in Monrovia. 
Northern Counties Area Service Committee Guidelines


Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!